Coast Compounding Healthcare Packages

Healthy Life Healthy Weight

This program is different because it is not a diet . . . it is a lifestyle.

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Healthy Life - Healthy Weight

                                                                                           Based on the Dr. Pompa Protocol

Has weight been more of a foe than a friend to you? At Coast Compounding Pharmacy, we offer expert support for a healthier relationship with your body through dietary changes, supplements, exercise suggestions and professional consultations. Under the guidance of the renowned Dr. Pompa Program, with a combination of a cellular healing diet and carefully selected supplements, paired with our individualized weekly specialty coaching, you will get your life back.
Your labs. Your symptoms. Your goals. Our professional support.
Our partnership —
This program is different because it is not a diet . . . it is a lifestyle. We begin in your kitchen where we select which items to purchase and where. Then, we propose recipes and cooking methods which replace sugar and carbs as your major fuel source, with healthy fats. Healthy fats become your fuel. Next, we provide core supplements which improve your health by reducing inflammation and healing your cell membranes. Additionally, we focus on your well-being by reducing your environmental toxins and stress while helping you to exercise and to sleep better.
Our expert guidance is to provide resources and support that will help you to be successful in this life changing journey.
To get started, we need a commitment from you… to be willing to change. We find the best success is achieved when your entire household is part of the program. 

Are you ready to get your life back?
Let’s do this —-

1st Week:
– Chart a 7 day food log.
– Provide your most recent labs.
– Fill out a questionnaire for your pharmacist.
– Explain your goals for this program.
– Included is the “Cellular Healing Plate” handout for you.
– Focus on good fats. Improve your pantry/refrigerator. Learn about healthier fats and oils.
– Provide the core supplements and their implementation.

2nd Week:
– Review labs, questionnaire and food log.
– Review 1st week’s information.
– Provide and discuss the Pompa Cellular Healing Diet.
– Focus on organic meats, veggies, and coffee/tea/drinks.
– Discuss sleep hygiene.
– Progress to the intermediate Cellular Healing Diet.

3rd Week:
– Review week 2.
– Provide a visual call (photos or zoom) discussing your refrigerator and pantry.
– Focus on progressing to the advanced Pompa Cellular Diet by decreasing sugars
and switching to healthier grains.
– Discuss stress reduction techniques.
– Discuss your current exercise routine.

4th Week:
– Review week 3.
– Start Advanced Cellular Healing Diet
– “Advanced Cellular Diet Pyramid” handout.
– Purchase a Keto Mojo testing system to prepare for ketosis monitoring.

5th Week:
– Continuation/support of the Advanced Cellular Healing Diet.

6th Week:
– Discuss the Keto diet with detailed instructions.
– Explain the benefits of various types of fasting.
– Monitor your success with Ketosis.

7th Week:
– Discuss your experiences and questions with the diet and ketosis.
– Discuss Fasting, Feasting and Ketosis monitoring.
– Discuss the use of bone broth and provide recipes.

8th through 12th Week:
– Continue intermittent fasting.
– Fermented foods Recipes.
– Feast Day – The Pompa Program Way.
– Food recipes.
– Highlight common household products and toxins.

12th Week:
– Review program results, recheck labs and discuss future program needs and support.

                                                 The Cellular Healing Diet
The Cellular Healing Diet works utilizing two principles: Increasing good fats and
removing sugar and everything that turns to sugar (grains). These principles allow this diet to do 3 things for your body that no other diet can do.
Some individuals require a more advanced diet to restore health and healing to their bodies. I call this diet the Advanced Diet, otherwise known as “The Cellular Healing Diet.” There are 5 factors to determine if this diet is right for you. Many individuals needing this diet are already in a state of diseases, such as ADD, autism, cancer, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, diabetes, and heart disease, to name a few. However, this diet is used by others on a short term basis for detoxification and weight loss and permanently for those who are genetically suited for this diet.
Following this diet accomplishes three objectives: healing and powering up the 70 trillion cells that make up your entire body and thus assisting the removal of toxins, regulating hormone function, and controlling inflammation, which is the 21st-century cause of new millennium disease.
The Cellular Healing Diet controls inflammation throughout your body. This type of inflammation affects every organ, tissue, artery, blood vessel, hormone, and cell, determining your state of health. Studies indicate that inflammation is the root cause of the # 1 killer in America and most of the degenerative diseases we are facing today. For example, heart disease’s true cause is not cholesterol but an inflammatory condition of the arterial wall. Removing grains from your diet controls inflammation by eliminating a sugar called amylose. Amylose is present in all grains except corn. It causes an inflammatory reaction, particularly in individuals suffering from inflammatory conditions (heart disease, arthritis, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and IBS, to name a few.

Three Functions of the Advanced Diet “Cellular
Healing Diet”
Why is this diet so powerful, and what makes it work?

As scientists and doctors look for the next miracle cure, they should look no further than controlling this type of inflammation. Unfortunately, the cure will not lie in the form of a pill but will come from these dietary changes and detoxification. The Cellular Healing Diet achieves detoxification because it heals the cell membrane. True detoxification must occur at the cellular level. Nutrients must move in, and toxins must come out for a cell to be clean and healthy. The cell membrane is the gatekeeper that allows this to occur. The standard American diet (SAD) and our toxic environment cause the cell membrane to be inflamed. When the cell membrane becomes inflamed, the above process is hindered, and the cell becomes toxic. To restore and heal a toxic cell, you must remove sugar and everything that turns to sugar. This regulates insulin and an enzyme involved in controlling cellular inflammation called PLA2. Regulating insulin and PLA2 controls cellular inflammation and is the key to true detoxification.
Controlling inflammation (cytokines and PLA2) and removing toxins allow hormone receptors on the cell and hypothalamus, the control center of your brain, to heal and regenerate. Regenerating the receptors allow dysregulated hormones to balance and normalize. Most doctors treat hormone dysregulation by trying to balance individual hormones. This Healing Diet, along with Dr. Pompa’s detoxification protocols, treats upstream to get to the cause of all hormone dysregulation. The FIVE FACTORS to Determine if the Advanced Diet “Cellular 

Healing Diet” is a must for You:

1. High Triglycerides/Cholesterol– If you are a sugar burner and not a fat burner,
your body will not store or burn fat normally, therefore elevating triglycerides.
2. High Blood Pressure– Inflammation of the large arteries leads to high blood
pressure. The healing diet controls inflammation. Foods like black seed oil support this.
3. Elevated Glucose / Insulin / Leptin– Once the insulin receptors are burned out,
fasting glucose, insulin, or leptin test will be elevated. Removing all sugar is the only way to heal the insulin receptors.
4. Neurotoxicity– This can be determined with a neurotoxic history and visual contrast sensitivity (VCS) test.
5. Protein/Fat Genetic Type– Some individuals genetically do better without grains, high fat, or even high protein. This can only be determined by how you feel on a particular diet.

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Client Testimonials

"Excellent quality on natural/bio-identical meds. They even have vegan (no gelatin) capsules you can request. Dieter and his team are knowledgeable and caring, with 1:1 consultations available."
Alison R
"I have used compounded medications for many years. This is the best around - very personalized service. Dieter and his staff take the time to answer questions and carefully explain everything."
Dayna V

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